"My own faves: Dream a Little Dream of Me, California Dreamin. Have you seen the film Chungking Express? California Dreamin is prominent in it."

"Nice list, Kathy :) For what it's worth, my 3 favourite Elton album covers are Captain Fantastic, Tumbleweed Connection and Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, which just happen to be my 3 favourite albums by "

"Good stuff, I do know some of these, shall check out more. Have you seen the film Patagonia? She has a caravan in that, in North Wales. I was talking about it when passing the lovely Llyn Gwynant loca"

"Good list, I wouldn't say femmes fatales necessarily, leading ladies anyway."

"Of course Elton John was better than Agassi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RitNdhhrMEs"

"I think Anthony Hopkins should be here. Guinness was, for me the greatest British screen actor, whereas Olivier and Gielgud, as you say, were considered the greatest stage actors."

"My peacocks list : http://www.listal.com/list/peacocks"

"Good work. I've had mixed reactions, my own favourite The White Ribbon, and Cachรฉ, Piano Teacher and Amour were fine."

"How about Our Hitler, a Film from Germany, and To Be or Not to Be, The Great Dictator?"

"I had to work a bit on this to come up with summaries on each individual, took a couple from Wikipedia. Warwick seemed more complicated and my energy was flagging. I find that period of history fascin"

"I'm glad you like. Yeah I think we could do with more variety on this site!"

"He should watch more Japanese cinema: Sansho the Bailiff and Seven Samurai are the best of 1954, and it was a golden age for Japanese films"

"May India's future be free, peaceful, kind, fair and happy."

"Giant squid were once thought a figment of the imagination. A sea captain in the 19th century was ridiculed as unsuitable to be in command of a ship for his claim of their existence."

"Ah, yes, 80% of known unknowns. But maybe there are further unknown unknowns!"

"Well done for promoting Fred. My own faves : Band Wagon, Top Hat, Swing Time, Funny Face."

"You may be interested in the Albanian book The Palace of Dreams by Kadare"