"Wow! That's a coincidence and I'm delighted he was impressed. From a start of having some fascinating places in mind, I was discovering some new things as I went along, and not always quite sure of lo"

"Lots of great films here, and several of my favourites- Sansho the Bailiff, Mirror, the Green Ray, Sunrise, Rules of the Game, Andrei Rublev, Paris Texas, Pather Panchali... :)"

"For films, I like the Sternberg-Dietrich, Oliveira-Silveira combinations. A pity Mizoguchi-Tanaka and Zhang Yimou-Gong Li collaborations didn't end so well, and Godard was never as good after Karina."

"Thanks for so much appreciation of my lists :) I hadn't realised you liked Barry Flanagan's Hares to that extent."

"I wonder if Lindsay Anderson's The White Bus should be included- it's like a link between gritty kitchen sink dramas (and the likes of Shelagh Delaney's Salford) and If (and later O Lucky Man). Ha, si"

"Ah the Jaguarundi is mentioned by Sean Connery in the film Marnie! He got it to trust him. I tried in vain to see one in its enclosure with shrubbery at a Wildlife Park"

"A fine director: of the ones missing, Le Amiche and Chronicle of a Love would be my picks :)"

"This list has surpassed my expectations; really great!"

"The Elton John-Bernie Taupin song Someone Saved my Life Tonight is a masterpiece"

"Very glad you like! I was thinking you would like the first 2 and the smiling fat man with the baby :) "

"Liverpool is a bit too slow and bleak for my liking (as is Turin Horse). You'd have to wait till the end for the meaning of Liverpool. Samira Makhmalbaf made a bit of a splash when she was young, roun"

"I like jelly (maybe a British thing), was trying to find the right picture for it; yours will do!"

"My 3 favourite directors- Mizoguchi, Tarkovsky, Renoir- present, good stuff. Here's my list : http://www.listal.com/list/my-favourite-film-directors"

"Good to see Rohmer well represented, especially by The Green Ray and My Girlfriend's Boyfriend"

"Thanks for your hard work, a fine presentation. A decent list- with most of the expected films included. Personally, i would have left out a few schlocky ones from the early 80s."

"Ah, she's included in Terry Breverton's book 100 Great Welsh Women- oh, and my Welsh Achievers list-, since the ancient Britons were Welsh-speaking Celts. She's known as Buddug (pronounced Bithig) in "

"All praise to the photographers as well as the beauty of nature:)"

"Interesting to hear Italian music (among others) I didn't know"

"My top 3: 86 FA Cup final, 74 FA Cup final, and the 77 European Cup. Rush and Aldridge look like twins together."

"I haven't been to many places in Italy, but I really liked Stresa on Lake Maggiore where I was on holiday"

"โWhat Hollywood really needs is a good bombingโ (Jean Renoir) "The Yanks have colonized our subconscious." (Kings of the Road, Wim Wenders)"

"How about Grandma's Reading Glass? And maybe one shot from Sayat Nova http://www.listal.com/viewimage/7681236"