"I liked her: a shame she retired so soon, and was given a hard time by the Paris crowd v Graf"
"As I was saying the other day in one of my regular get-togethers with the Queen, the Pope, Barack Obama, Roger Federer, Lady Gaga and Elton, "if there's one thing I dislike it's people who namedrop ce"
"Thanks for doing the list. I'm a bit of a fish out of water here cos I think most the world's best films have not been in English, and my favourite film Sansho the Bailiff didn't make the top 100. Its"
"Not forgetting the early film of Annie Oakley herself shooting!"
"Very good, and I have one image on my Marvellous Creatures list :)"
"Excellent! A few Mizoguchi suggestions: Tales of the Taira Clan, Chikamatsu Monogatari, My Love has been Burning, and Story of the Late Chrysanthemums"
"Several of these I haven't seen. Hope and Glory, Ivan's Childhood, Come and See, Grave of the Fireflies and Forbidden Games are all fine too."
"Great stuff. And some for me to consider for a similar list I did elsewhere. Looks like I must see L'Immortelle"
"Some can be rented or bought online, some are on youtube"
"Oh, Miss Oyu is one, by my favourite director Mizoguchi"
"Good stuff. Two English Girls is like Jules et Jim in reverse, also directed by Truffaut. There's an image in 1900 by Bertolucci of De Niro and Depardieu naked on each side of a young woman holding th"
"Great! My favourite haiku is: Old pond frog jumps in sound of water (by Basho)"
"Ah thanks, very helpful, I didn't know: I've been wanting to add Gareth Edwards the welsh rugby great in particular. I'm pleased with this list, anyway: it's taken time and a bit of knowledge"
"I've spent a lot of time on this list- listal only had a few cricketers! I'm unable to add Bill O'Reilly and Michael Clarke of Australia to the database here, presumably due to namesakes already here."
"Even though David Parkinson did good work on world cinema for Empire, they had to dumb down for the lad mag market. I couldn't see one Mizoguchi film!"
"This is magnificent; informative and great presentation. I'd like to see Sibelius higher but you have chosen his best anyway."